Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Finally!! I have a new pantry and laundry room!

Our new pantry and mud room/laundry room has been completed - almost!

First, before I begin I must say I love our home and I'm so proud to call it our home.  However, the people that built it didn't make the best choices with the layout in certain areas.  My biggest complaints are the kitchen layout and what was our pantry and laundry closet.  We've lived here for almost 4 years and we are finally starting the process of fixing these things that annoyed me constantly.  Ok, maybe it wasn't (isn't) that bad but there are times it feels like it!  ha!

Our original pantry was the size of a linen closet and it was ALWAYS a mess.  You could never find anything in there because we just had stuff shoved in there.  There were small appliances, chips, water bottles, paper towels, canned goods (8 cans of cream of mushroom soup????) and more.  At one point I did have a picture of the mess but I purposely accidentally deleted it.  You will just have to take my word that it was a wreck!

So after begging my husband to start the demo and after reading and drooling over Decor Chick's pantry the work began!!!   I totally would have done this myself but since taking on this project involved running electrical wire and going under the house to redo the plumbing I had to wait on him.  Because this gal doesn't mess with electric and there is no way I'm crawling under our house!  I don't care how bad I want a project completed!  ;)

I plan to have a couple other posts on how certain details were done to make the pantry and the mud room/laundry room complete.  It would just be too long to have it all in one post.

But in the meantime, here are some pics of the before, during and after ;)

The original linen closet pantry

The original pantry door is on the left and the door on the right leads out to the mud room.

This a shot of the mud room before demo began.  The stairs lead to the FROG (finished room over garage) which is the guest room/play room.  The door to the garage isn't shown but it is right by the stairs.  The wall on the left of the picture is where the pantry was and the black shelf you see should have been a desk.  It basically was a catch all and A LOT of wasted space.

Here is a pic of the pantry after the shelves are up and I'm in the middle of painting.  Ok....Before you say anything....I KNOW I should have painted the walls and shelves BEFORE everything was nailed into the walls.  It wasn't until after they were up and 8 hours later that I had that moment of clarity!  More on that later ;)
The right side of the pantry (doors are not up in this picture)

Left side and part of the middle

This was the previous mud room which is now our laundry room/mud room.  As you can see it's not painted yet in the pics.  My husband has painted the walls where our washer and dryer are.  I'll share those pictures in another post soon.

This is where the black shelf was previously in the mud room and now our dryer sits there :)  In this pic you can see the door that leads out to our garage by the stairs.

Sorry all the pictures are so dark.  There is no natural light and dealing with florescent lighting doesn't make for a pretty picture :(  But we are working on that!  I have a new light to install - well, actually my husband will.  Remember, I don't do electrical!

So this is just the beginning of our work in progress.  I will be back with more posts with our paint colors, new doors and decorations.  I won't promise this will be done in a week but at least this gives me motivation to get to work! ;)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I hope you had a great one with family and friends!!  Me and the kids spent a very quiet New Year's Eve.  Everyone was asleep by 9pm!  If my husband had been here we may have gone to the neighbor's but since he deployed a couple of days ago we just stayed close to home.  Not complaining at all and I was very happy to be warm and cozy in my bed!  Great way to start the year!!!

It's been months since I have posted.  It was so long that I came back and checked my blog and realized that my background had disappeared.  Who knows how long it's been gone - OOPS!

Life has been busy but so much fun over the last couple of months.  We (I use this word very loosely) have been busy with remodeling, redecorating and redoing around the house.  I will share all I have done we have done over the last couple of months soon.  And I have many more ideas to share for upcoming projects. 

The main focus of my blog last year was to share money saving deals, great coupons and more.  I plan to continue to share great deals I find but I also have other great ideas for this blog.  I plan on creating a section for home decorating/remodeling, recipes and more.  Wish me luck with this one and I hope you have fun with me in my adventures in decorating!

My plan for the rest of the day is to put away the Christmas decorations. At this very moment what has been put away is just sitting at the top of the stairs in the play room.  I think I need to get to work! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday blog hops

Follow Me Back Tuesday is another day of the week that you can gain more followers and find other great blogs to follow on a weekly basis. Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted bySurvey JunkieLittle Yaya'sReview Retreat and Boobies, Babies & A Blog


Welcome to this week's Tuesday Tag-Along blog hop, hosted by Twee Poppets Review and Giveaway! This is a great way to discover new blogs while increasing the number of followers for your own blog. 

Tuesday Tag-Along

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday blog hops

Good morning and Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and ready to start a new week!  Here are the hops I'm participating in this morning.  :)

mingle mondays button

Welcome to Making Friends Monday Blog Hop, hosted by Living on Love and Cents, Mon Cheri,  The Thrifty Things,  Reviewed By Mom , Coupons are Great.

 Welcome to Fancy Meeting Your Monday hosted by Midday Escapades and One 2 Try.

Fancy Meeting You

Meet Me Monday is a weekly link-up hosted by Inspiring You To Save! created for socializing and to get new followers, subscribers, and readers.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Twitter Hop Thursday & Hops

There are a couple of blog hops I'm joining in this week (including a new one) and this week I was selected as Twitter of the Week over at Simply Stacie!  I hope you will join in with us :)

Welcome to Twitter Hop Thursday, hosted by Simply StacieThe King’s Court IV, Little Yaya’s, and Review Retreat!
Would you like more Twitter followers and be introduced to more neat blogs and businesses out there? Come and join us!!
1. Add your Twitter to the MckLinky (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all).
2. Click on the Twitter for the four hostesses and follow each of them on Twitter. We will follow you back.
3. Follow as many people on Twitter as you like, but make sure to leave comments with links so they’ll know where to follow you!
Spread the word and add this MckLinky to your blog! Write your own post or copy and paste this one. Below the MckLinky box, you’ll see “Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here for instructions and code….” Have fun Twitter-Hopping along!
We have selected a Twitterer of the Week from last week’s entries and the lucky winner is Having A Blessed Life!! They will be in the #5 spot! We will choose next week’s winner from everyone who participated today.
Please only add your Twitter url. All other entries will be deleted. Thank you!!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome Wednesday!

Welcome to the "Welcome Wednesday" blog hop, hosted by Take It From MeWelcome Wednesday is a great way to meet new people and learn new things as well as increase your blog followers! So let's have some fun!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday follows

Follow Me Back Tuesday is another day of the week that you can gain more followers and find other great blogs to follow on a weekly basis. Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted by Survey Junkie, Little Yaya's, Review Retreat and Boobies, Babies & A Blog.

Tuesday Tag-Along blog hop, hosted by Twee Poppets Review and Giveaway!

Tuesday Tag-Along

Trailing Tuesdays are hosted by Familylicious, Nine More Months , and Sugar Pop Ribbons ! What is Trailing Tuesdays you ask? Well, it's a great way to advertise your blog and find new friends not only for your blog but for your Facebook and Twitter pages as well.

Familylicious Reviews