Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I hope you had a great one with family and friends!!  Me and the kids spent a very quiet New Year's Eve.  Everyone was asleep by 9pm!  If my husband had been here we may have gone to the neighbor's but since he deployed a couple of days ago we just stayed close to home.  Not complaining at all and I was very happy to be warm and cozy in my bed!  Great way to start the year!!!

It's been months since I have posted.  It was so long that I came back and checked my blog and realized that my background had disappeared.  Who knows how long it's been gone - OOPS!

Life has been busy but so much fun over the last couple of months.  We (I use this word very loosely) have been busy with remodeling, redecorating and redoing around the house.  I will share all I have done we have done over the last couple of months soon.  And I have many more ideas to share for upcoming projects. 

The main focus of my blog last year was to share money saving deals, great coupons and more.  I plan to continue to share great deals I find but I also have other great ideas for this blog.  I plan on creating a section for home decorating/remodeling, recipes and more.  Wish me luck with this one and I hope you have fun with me in my adventures in decorating!

My plan for the rest of the day is to put away the Christmas decorations. At this very moment what has been put away is just sitting at the top of the stairs in the play room.  I think I need to get to work!